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Zihan Weekly 2: HOTScript - Higher-Order TypeScript

TypeScript is amazing. The flexibility its type system is providing is just so powerful and I just noticed a project callHOTScript(Higher-Order TypeScript) which allows us to make type-level functions. What does this mean? Let’s see how we can use it.

const str = "10"
type n = Call<Strings.ToNumber, typeof str>
//   ^ = 10

Too simple? Let’s look at another more complex one:

type shouldBeNinetyFive = Pipe<
	//  ^ = 95
	[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4],

Yes, we are using functions in TypeScript! This looks so cool. But how does it works under the hood?

We have a interface Fn which has some args and an output type, plus a Call type:

interface Fn {
	_args: unknown[]
	output: unknown
	args: this["_args"] extends unknown[] & infer args extends any[]
		? args
		: never

type Call<fn extends Fn, args> = (fn & {
	_args: args

Just try to understand the code. The _args and args are just a trick that makes sure the args are what we are passing into it, without unknown[].

And here are two Fns implemented:

interface Join extends Fn {
	output: [...this["args"][0], ...this["args"][1]]

interface StringToNumber extends Fn {
	output: this["args"][0] extends `${infer n extends number}` ? n : never

Each of the functions takes the args provided and gives an output type. Now we can use these two type-level functions like this:

const a = ["Hello"] as const
const b = ["world"] as const
type joined = Call<Join, [typeof a, typeof b]>
//   ^ = ["Hello", "world"]

const str = "35"
type n = Call<StringToNumber, [typeof str]>
//   ^ = 35

It’s working! HOTScript looks so great and I think it’s absolutely going to be a big deal in the future.


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Trust me it’s really nice!

pnpm create zihan-lib
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Dependency cruiser: Validate and visualise dependencies.


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